Sunday, March 21, 2021

 March 19th - a surprise drop off of mulch creates a bit of a panic. We have to have it off the driveway before Sunday services. Harper leads the way up the hill. Less than 24 hours later, the garden has fresh smooth paths and the parking lot is swept clean. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

 Garden Work Day, March 13, 2021

First: coffee and donuts. 

Sir Edin repainted the garden shed 2 years ago. As Daphne and Carrie show, it's still looking good. 

Thalia maintains morale with hugs for everyone, while Stella keeps her eye on the ball.    

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

 February 2021: Rebuilding the compost bins - they have served well for 10 years but now it's time for an update. Special thanks to our Compost Kings (right to left) Eino, Mark, Bill, Kristian, and Erin, with supervision provided by Skippy. (It's been almost a year and masks are still mandatory.)